Members present: Sharon Palmeri, John Boufis, Sharon Buckman, Sandy Lundin, George Miga, Katherine Flotz
Guest: Luke Bruce was tonight’s guest. He said that he is interested in writing science fiction and fantasy. It has a few projects that he has begun and promised to return and share his work with us. A big welcome goes out to Luke!
Announcements: There will be an all day writer's workshop at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, OH on April 24, 2009. Sharon Palmeri passed out flyers and registration forms. The fee is $25.00. If you are interested and were not at the meeting, contact Sharon.
Sharon Palmeri discussed an “Agent of the Day” program that she volunteered in, and shared with the group several samples from the fifty query letters and proposal packages that she received. This proved to be very useful and interesting information for people looking for agents and how to impress them.
Sharon also mentioned the success of the Indiana Writers’ Consortium Facebook page. If you did not get and e-mail with information and instructions on how to create A Facebook account and add yourself to the IWC site and wish to join, please e-mail Sharon for details.
Sandy Lundin continued writing her memoirs to be part of their family's saga. She and her two sisters lived on a farm in Nebraska in the 1940's, while her father was recovering from TB.
Sharon Buckman read portions of "A family murder" - the story of her nephews untimely death at the hands of his wife.
George Miga continued reading from his historical fiction entitled "Medal of Dishonor". In this chapter, the black man who shines shoes in an office building is confronted by a thief on the streets of Chicago. He tries to stop the young thief and is shot in the process.
Katherine Flotz read a whimsical accounting of cleaning out her grandson's car and finding many "lost treasures."
John Boufis had no readings but is always deeply involved in the discussion and critique.
The next meeting will be on May 6, 2009 at 6:30 P.M. at Purdue Learning Center.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by,
Katherine Flotz and Sharon Palmeri