Thursday, April 2, 2009

The minutes of the March 4 meeting of Write on Hoosiers

WOH Minutes, March 4, 2009

Sharon Palmeri brought the meeting to order and shared a book she had read, The Element, written by Ken Robinson. It centers around finding one's creativity.

John Boufis-read his parody song of "Solitary Man," which concerned pens and their lack of performance.

Sharon Buckman- brought the third and fourth pages of her "Canopy of Leaves" story, and we learned more of her heroine and her back-hills captor.

Bev Stanislawski- In her free verse poem, "The Race," we learned that excessive highway speed has its terrible consequences, including death of an innocent, old man.

Mike Musak- read a chapter, "New Guy" which dealt with a job he had at a local company where not everyone performed his job properly.

George Miga continued his story, "Medal of Dishonor" which made one wonder who really deserved the coveted award for actions at the Battle of the Bulge.

Tom Wilson- read a query letter that he is preparing to send out for the book fictional book he has written. Suggestions included that he might take Sharon's course which will deal with this topic.

All were reminded that our next meeting will be March 19, at Schoop's restaurant, in Crown Point, at 6:30.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Bev Stanislawski

Welcome new members George, Mike, and Tom!
Dues were collected from: George Miga, Muke Musak, and Tom Wilson
By: Sharon Palmeri

New addendum:
The date for the next meeting at Schoops is March 18 (weds) rather than the 19th.
by; Sharon Palmeri

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