Sunday, January 27, 2019

January 17, 2019


Tammy Breitweiser, Al Koch, Amy Clites, Caren Von See, Sharon Palmeri, Sharon Buckman, Katherine Flotz, Amy Brailey, Ruthann Graczyk, Tim Phillipart, Corri Stephenson, and Paula Stephenson, Diane Stratton, Jessica Rewald and Danielle Johnson


A vote of approval for the January 3, 2019 minutes was first given by CAREN VON SEE and seconded by RUTHANN GRACZYK


AMY CLITES shared about the Writer’s Retreat she had recommended last meeting.  (Future ones will be held on the Second Saturdays of February, and March.  (Posted on Facebook)  The retreat was organized by Linda Harris.  The event costs $40, which includes lunch.  Amy thoroughly enjoyed the time which provided space for writers to spend time enjoying nature and the inspiration it offers.

TIM PHILLIPART gave a handout sharing critiques of famous writers and information on “classics” who self-published.  He highlighted a quote about Mark Twain and how he self-published and utilized the technology of his day to get his work in the hands of those who would read it. 

CAREN VON SEE gave a handout of “Things we say today that we owe to Shakespeare.”

AL KOCH informed the group that the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act has released a number of works to public domain which frees writers in use of quotes, lyrics, etc. In other words, works created before 1924 would be considered in public domain. See these links for more details:


TAMMY BREITWEISER has an essay entitled “My Almost Secret Writing Life” published in I Wrote It Anyway:  An Anthology of Essays.  She also has a work of Flash Fiction entitled “Ironic Honeymoon” which will be published on  

TAMMY BREITWEISER read two free verse poems.  The first, entitled “The Demons Steal My Soul” describes the narrator’s struggles with his/her own thoughts.  The second, “Downtown” which vividly describes conflicting elements of life in a downtown.

TIM PHILLIPART read a poem entitled “The Mercy Seat” in which he describes a student who is given the “Special seat” by the classroom door.  This place of responsibility encourages his good behavior and motivates him for more responsibility.

AMY CLITES read the first chapter of her novel entitled Inside Chance.  In the chapter, Joni Chance is walking along listening to music.  She has a creepy feeling, like a buzzing in her brain, but is distracted from it by the arrival of Izzy, a girl who bullies her.  The scene ends as Joni walks away, thinking of her mom and using music to drown out Izzy’s taunts. 

CAREN VON SEE read Chapter 10 of her novel entitled My Treasure Chest.  In this chapter, Antonio has invited his uncle Lorenzo over to discuss his gambling problem.  Sara and Antonio flirt while getting ready for the confrontation.  Uncle Lorenzo arrives, followed by Angelo who makes a pass at Sara and is confronted by Antonio.

AMY BRAILEY readDowntown Diversion” from her collection Don’t Leave Me Hangin’. Two men break into an office building and are on the verge of getting caught. 

AL KOCH read “Empty Promises,”  a commentary on the loss of integrity in today’s society where people in all arena’s speak words they know they do not mean.  These words have a devastating effect on a younger generation.  He challenges us to let our words and our character mean something. 

CORRI STEPHENSON continued Chapter 1o of her NaNoWriMo novel entitled The Watcher.  In this section, the Guardian and the boy are discussing the boy’s unique abilities, which we have yet to discover.  A second ghost appears, smelling burnt, and the boy recoils from him.  The Guardian takes him to see something.

PAULA STEPHENSON shared an untitled piece in which Hugo, the lion, lost his roar and is being teased by the other animals.   

DIANE STRATTON  read an untitled fiction story.  In this section, New Age guru Pax Peyton is giving a seminar in which each person feels they are the answer to their community’s needs.  He has divided the room into groups with a sampling of people from each age group to list their community’s concerns.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,




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Dipa kumari said...

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