Wednesday, July 17, 2019

June 20, 2019

Kathy Flotz, Beverly Stanislawski, Caren Von See, Marilyn Kessler, Bob Philpot,
Al Koch, Dennis McLean, H.S. Valia, Shirley Vaughan, Diane Stratton, Helena Qi.


A vote of approval for the June 20, 2019 minutes was first given by AL KOCH and seconded by SHARON BUCKMAN.

Al Koch’s son continues to assist his father with publishing his book. The galley proofs have been sent to the editor.


CAREN VON SEE CH. 14—Antonio and Sara continue planning the trip to the States. CH. 15—Antonio addresses Angelo and Uncle Lorenzo’s arguing.

MARILYN KESSLER CH 2—Grandmother opens her family Bible and reviews the numerous family names musing that only happiness is recorded here. Grandmother writes a note about John trekking to Colorado to find gold.

AL KOCH—relayed his tale his herculean efforts to rebuild a defunct, vintage soda fountain, which he put in his basement.

HARDARSHAN SINGH VALIA—read a poem titled “Message on a Canvas” where the viewer admires a painting and offers prayers of gratitude.

SHIRLEY VAUGHAN— Attendees volunteered to read various parts in a Shirley’s Screenplay play about the futuristic world of the Planet Turaeus.

HELENA QI—read her travel log about her family’s trip to Milan and the sternly decorated train station, which carries memories of the notorious fascist era.

McLEAN—read a chapter from her book The Eye of the Gift Horse about the self-satisfied contentment he felt when he was with his family.

BEVERLY STANISLAWSKI—relays two poetic tales about a wolf escaping the woodman’s ax titled, “The Wolf’s Bane”, and another titles “The Family Quilt” about a mother preparing for her daughter’s wedding.

KATHERINE FLOTZ—read her poem "To Cole on His Bar Mitzvah" praising her grandson’s character.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted:


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