Friday, September 11, 2020


NOTE: After seven long months of not meeting face to face, Write-On, Hoosiers met (with Covid 19 distancing guidelines) at a park in Lakes of the Four Seasons. We were also on remote standby for any of the members who couldn’t make it and wished to attend on ZOOM. It was nice to return to some form of normalcy.

 Before this meeting, W.O.H. was meeting on exclusively on ZOOM.  Whether we will be able to meet again outdoors this year depends on the weather and meeting arrangements.  It is unlikely that the library meeting rooms will be open by the end of the year. Thanks to those who attended. Take care, be well and stay safe.



The meeting began at 5 pm. 


Sharon Palmeri, Sharon Buckman, Shirley Vaughan, Diane Stratton, Dennis Mc Lean, Amy Brailey


DENNIS MC LEAN stated that his book, The Eye of the Gift Horse, was just recently published by  the Flying Turtle Publishing House in Hammond.  Several copies of his book was purchased by the members that were present.

SHIRLEY VAUGHAN also announced that her book, The Will of God, was just recently published by Draft2Digital and is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other distributors.


SHARON BUCKMAN read her short story, possibly to become a novel, entitled, “Running on a Treadmill.”  The story begins with a young woman, Sandy, planning on leaving her domineering boyfriend.  Afraid  that he will try to stop her she tells no one of her plans.  After a successful escape she calls her mother to tell her where she is, inadvertenly giving her boyfriend the name of the town she is in.

AMY BRAILEY read one page of her novel in progress, Jon Everett and the Hall of History.  This part of the novel, Chapter 17, began with the funeral of Monakatuca’s son.  Because of the help that the Indians had given General Braddock, especially Monakatuca, his son was given full military regalia.  At the end of the funeral Jon saw Christopher Gist slip out of the woods and into the crowd of people, pretending to have been there all along.

DENNIS MC LEAN read his four page excerpt from his novel in progress, Flatboat. This part of the excerpt tells of Abraham Lincoln and several other men’s attempt at building a flatboat.  The purpose of the flatboat was to float down the river to New Orleans.  As the boat was leaving Abe stated he felt “ depressed and ashamed, depressed because he was leaving his wife for one month and ashamed because he was happy to get away from her.”

SHIRLEY VAUGHAN read four pages from her published novel entitled, The Will of God.  This part of the novel, Chapter 3, tells of people rushing  for safety, away from the missiles flying overhead.  The aeromobiles that flew up from the parking lots were losing control of their vehicles as they tried to see where the missiles were coming from.  The military, not knowing the attack was caused by a computer hacker, were blaming several other countries.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted:


1 comment:

MELISSA said...

I am interested in joining a writer's group. I would appreciate any information about one meeting in Porter County Indiana. Thank you.