Sharon Buckman, Kathy Flotz, Shirley Hinman, Pete Beda (guest of Al Koch), Al Koch, Diane Stratton, Judy Neuman, Bob Neuman, Cindy Horgash, Amy Brailey, Sharon Palmeri
The minutes from the July 28th meeting were approved by Kathy Flotz and Cindy Horgash.
An article by reporter Jerry Davich entitled “Studies Find 6-10 Adults Live Within 10 Miles” was featured in the Monday, August 8, 2022, edition of Times newspaper. This article contains quotes from WOH member, Al Koch, and refers to Al’s book, Help Mom with the Dishes.
A one-page memoir by Sharon Buckman entitled, “Recession?” was written about 14 years prior during the Bush Administration, and describes how similar conditions seem to apply to today as well.
Katherine Flotz read her short fiction story, “The Adventures of Mikki and Mini”, a humorous take on the roaming adventures of two mice and where their curiosity and wandering unexpectedly take them when seeking shelter in the winter.
“A Journey Made from Stuffing” is the first chapter of a children’s or family short story book shared by Cindy Horgash. The story details the imaginative activities of a scarecrow who finds himself on an inspiring journey of his own. The storybook will be called My Wonderful Wacky Family.
Amy Brailey shared her short story, “Down to the Wire”. The story details the actions of a couple who work to diffuse a bomb and have to solve a riddle to know what wire to cut to safely disarm it. The end of the story invites the reader to choose which wire they would choose to cut and to tell what they think will happen when they cut it.
Shirley Hinman read three of her poems. “You Built an Edifice” is a Pantoon type poem based on Matthew 7:26. “Ocean Painter” is a Septet poem. “Ocean singer” is a Quintain style poem of 5 lines.
Sharon Palmeri shared a chapter from her memoirs entitled, “Hypnosis 1980-81.” This chapter describes Sharon’s introduction to hypnosis by one of doctors she worked with at the hospital. While the doctor used hypnosis during a procedure that Sharon assisted with, Sharon also fell into a trance. This peaked her interest in Hypnotherapy. She went through further sessions with the doctor. Later she learned the art through seminars, and then practiced hypnotherapy for several years.
“Where no man has gone before: Reflections on my first colonoscopy” is Bob Neuman’s humorous, tongue-in-cheek account of his first colonoscopy. He described this experience that occurred in 2011 when he was 70 years old, and related the story with his own hilarious perspective.
Judy Neuman sang a song she wrote, “Jesus Cares!”. She wrote this to express her feelings about how our Lord has love and compassion for us. She told us that it was written in 1983, and that she set it to music as a song with a chorus, which is the 2nd section within the poem.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Stratton
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