Wednesday, February 22, 2023

February 9, 2023




 MEETING BEGAN:   at 5:21pm

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Al Koch, Diane Stratton, Katherine Flotz, Judy Neuman, Bob Neuman, Mike Musak, Cindy Horgash, Sharon Palmeri





OLD BUSINESS:  Al Koch and Katherine Flotz approved the minutes from January 26, 2023.



In his story, “SHORELINE CHAUFFER”, AL KOCH shared his recollections of travel routines through the various life events he experienced in the Calumet Region of Indiana back from the 1940’s through the 1960’s.  He acknowledges being a grateful patron and conveys appreciation for the public chauffeurs who guided him and all the others to and from their destinations.

KATHERINE FLOTZ read the end of Chapter 1 and the beginning of Chapter 2 of her book, THE JOURNEY.   She described the traumatic experiences of a Mother and her two boys registering in Germany during the war, around December 1943.  It relates the story being told in detail by the Mother, (Martha), to her friend, Elsie.

The true-life story, “MISSY – THE SAILING DOG, 1989 – 2001”, was shared by SHARON PALMERI.  In it, she details how she adopted a new puppy from the humane society against her husband John’s wishes. After their previous dog, Wendy died, he didn’t ever want another painful loss.  She describes the endearing qualities and habits of their new dog, Missy, and how she grew to charm Sharon’s husband, John especially when she joined them in sailing on their boat.  The story continues through the years till a fateful event occurs with Missy and where an end leads to another beginning for Sharon and John.

CINDY HOGASH shared Chapter 2 of  MAGIC OF THE BLUE HOUR.  The title of the chapter is “Wallowing” and it tells of how a young boy, Jason, discovers a way from reality when he travels outside his body.  The account includes conversations Jason shares with his Grandpa and the emotions that were evoked from this travel experience and separation.

MIKE MUSAK presented the written dialogue of his stand-up comedy routine entitled “HOLY CRAP”.

This was the humorous account of thoughts and comments invoked from a hallucination with a dog and the outcome produced.

“STAYING ALIVE” is the title of the mirthful reflection by BOB NEUMAN regarding selections in a book he had purchased at a thrift store involving advice on surviving a wide variety of extreme and unusual situations.

DIANE STRATTON read her article “FLIP SOME GOOD FROM COVID SOLITUDE” which resulted from her examining her address book during the Covid pandemic.  It was through this period of isolation that she realized that there were many friends she had not been in contact with for some time.  This brought the thought and advice of “flipping” the negative situation of the isolation and using it to reach out to others and brighten the situation for both yourself and your out-of-touch friends, bringing warmth and light resulting in good feelings of care in reconnection.


Respectfully submitted,

Diane Stratton




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